Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tips For Renting Vacation Cottages

By Kristin Dorsett

Here are a few tips for effectively advertising a vacation cottage on the Internet.

Don't put all of your advertising eggs in one basket. One mistake that many cottage rental owners make when starting off is to rely too heavily on their personal website or one cottage rental portal website. By spreading out your efforts, you'll reach a larger pool of prospective renters.

Take great photos. This may sound like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many cottage rental owners undersell their home by taking poor photos. Show off what your vacation cottage has to offer by taking great photos of each room and each of your amenities.

Highlight your amenities. Especially in very saturated cottage rental markets, amenities may very well be the deciding factor for a traveler when choosing a vacation cottage to rent.

Know which amenities vacationers are searching for in your area. In some markets, HDTVs are must-haves. In others, hammocks are a top seller. Know your market and your renters and equip your home with what travelers are looking for. Unsure what amenities to provide? Browse cottage rental websites for properties in your area and see what other owners are offering.

Create a welcome packet for your guests. It is a nice touch to include an informational binder, packet, or basket at your property for your guests that includes information about the surrounding area and specific to your home (e.g. satellite TV instructions, local restaurants, emergency phone numbers, etc.)

The key is to think like a traveler when you're creating your ad or personal website. Don't forget why vacationers choose to stay in cottage rentals in the first place. Many travelers choose to stay in a cottage or vacation home instead of a hotel for the space and amenities, so be sure to make sure that these come across very clearly in your ad.

Kristin Dorsett is the Assistant Editor of the Owner Community a great resource for vacation rental home owners featuring educational articles, vacation rental news, owner polls, monthly newsletters, and a weekly internet radio show by bestselling author Christine Karpinski. Or if you're looking for a vacation home to rent, browse Cottage Rentals on

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